Saturday 2 June 2012

Holiday revision

Advice for revision over the holiday. By the monday we get back you should have done the following

For 1a
be able to describe your progress over each year of the course and from last year to this.
Do a model answer to two essays
Jan 20101 - 1 a
and June 2011 1a
YOu have model answers to these.

The Questions are here

For 1b
have prepared a model answer for analysing one of your pieces of work using theories of
If you have done the first two then do improvements. If you haven't then you need to do versions of them all.  You have model answers to genre and narrative and below is a link to one on Audience. Therefore you can do your own answer then compare to examples. Here is the PP on Genre we looked at in lesson - also use the Genre Theories used in Mike Fews essay.
For Audience answer I have uploaded a model. If you were in lesson on last week then use the plan we discussed for start of essay then use theories as Jenny has done.

For section B -
questions 8 and 9
Here is a mind map of main points for Production answer
you should be able to write a good answer about the impact of the media on Producers and Audiences -  - if you have already done these essays then look at how you can improve them. If you haven't done them yet you must finish these. I have done an improved version of Romy's essay on producers to give you all a model. First look at her original version and see how you think it could be improved

Once you have done this you should have a go at this question - Question 8 from Jan 2012
this will help you talk in more detail about the theorists. You will neeed to use the handout on Media in the Online Age.

Extra research for section B Q 8 an 9
Here is a blog post with excellent advice about this section and links to lots of useful resources
This is an excellent article on making a career in media without being famous

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