Thursday, 8 April 2010

Holiday work Exam preparation

You should be spending quite a bit of your time preapring for the exams in June. I have put three examples together below. They are all Bs - Ruby and Mike are high Bs. Notice that they have different marks for different parts and so you can compare to see what got them high marks for certain questions. When you look at the Institutions and Audiences questions (the last question for each of them) highlight all the examples they have used and put all of that into notes for yourselves) then look at all the concepts they have ued (things like The Long Tail, Convergence etc) Read back over the handout which is on the blog about these concepts and work out before we get back which ones you are happy with and can use in essays and which ones you are not so sure of. You should all be aiming to produce work of the standard you see in htesse essays and some of you will be looking to be a grade better. You should all feel thta you can improve on the first two of these answers as you have been working on evaluating your practical work and it should be fresh in your minds.
Things in the News (Internet) to look out for are - The Digital Economy Bill which is just being passed. Ther was a lot about The Gang of Four (a band) choosing to sell their music on the internet rather thatn sign a record deal.

Three exemplars together - all from our students:
Exemplars Jan 10 G325 Merged

Here is the sample mark scheme from the exam board so you can see what the marks are given for:
OCR G325 Sample and Mark Scheme 10

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