Friday, 9 October 2009

Music videos

You could do with getting plenty of feedback on your blogs and showing how your ideas develop. Get some photos up of the type of shots you are planning and get some of the other media students and photography students to comment on them. Compare them to egs of actual videos - do screen shots of these. You could put them on flickr and facebook to get more feedback.
You have got to show you sought permission to use copywright music - you don't have to get it - show evidence you sought it. - myspace pages?

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Example of convergence - where

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Tuesday, 6 October 2009

This week - Music Video Groups

Here is an example of a blog from a different college fro you to have a look at. See how far they have got with their planning and see what ideas it gives you for your blogs and preparation and planning (before you even think it - their stuyle of music is probably different from yours BUT you are lookning for the sort of thing they include)
Also use the Latymer Youtube channel - see links on right to look at examples of student work.

Friday, 2 October 2009


You have a new Cinemek Hitchcock storyboard available for download:

This file will be available for 72 hours.

Cinemek Hitchcock is a trademark of Cinemek, Inc.

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Posted via email from reesie4's posterous


You have a new Cinemek Hitchcock storyboard available for download:

This file will be available for 72 hours.

Cinemek Hitchcock is a trademark of Cinemek, Inc.

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Posted via email from reesie4's posterous